Yes it's true, I have gotten myself a LOOKBOOK! LOOKBOOOK is a fashion website, for people all around the worlds to post there styles, among other things. I joined just recently, so I have yet to post look's. However, tomorrow is Easter! With it an outfit will come, that will be posted on LOOKBOOK and my blog as well! If you are curious about LOOKBOOK I would absolutely encourage you to go and check it out! The website is lookbook.nu and it inspires you in different ways! I first found out about LOOKBOOK from my lovely sister, whom I always find things according to fashion about, and became oddly addicted. Not in a bad you-need-to-move-away-from-you-computer way. More in a way that gives me different idea's for an outfit everyday! I don't fancy myself as well dressed as these people on LOOKBOOK, I am more prone to my lazy-outfit days as opposed to everyday cute-outfit days. Yet on those cute-outfit days, it will be fun to post them. Well you hope you check out LOOKBOOK it will defenitely be worth your time!
goodbye for now!