I'm re-reading The Last Song... yes RE-reading. It one of my favorite books that I've ever read. This afternoon I was getting some good old reliable ice cream at rite aid and the lady asked me what I was reading. When I told her she told me how she read it but couldn't it finish it because it was so sad. But... no great book is ever completely full of happiness. Have you ever noticed that? In Pride and Prejudice Lizzy had misjudged and that made her hurt someones feeling, and her own sister Jane nearly lost the love of her life and the whole family had to go through Lydias mistakes. Where The Red Fern Grows was just full of sadness, yet these books are in anyone's good Library because they have an element of suspension and surprise. Nicholas Sparks has countless times before proved that he was capable of being a great writer. The Last Song has all the ingredients of greatness. You'd be insane not to love The Last Song! Either that or you have a different taste in books then I do.... no you're probably just insane.
Little Fact About The Last Song;
1. Miley Cyrus named the main character, Ronnie, after her grand father Ron Cyrus.
2. Nicholas Sparks wrote the movie before he wrote the book.
3. Nicholas Sparks' nieces helped inspire the book.
4. .... That's all I have right now.... hehe...